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Travelling with the Sea – A piece of digital jewellery

Sea pottery has travelled to find us leaving the space for others to imagine a further narrative around them. Travelling with the Sea is a piece of digital jewellery connected to the geolocation data, enabling people to tap into data from places they are passing over during a flight.

The live-data can be viewed via the aeroplane’s media system. As a plane is covering large distances so fast, the piece connects a person with other sea pottery pieces. This connection enables a person to connect with other stories and people. Connecting with places and objects of desire through stories invites a person to experience the present moment of being in transition and being in a particular space in time.

The piece is a visual prototype made from a found piece of sea pottery, porcelain and silver. It can be worn as a brooch. Read more about the piece in my paper Art Digital Jewellery: Practitioners’ Perspectives


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